Certifications & Accreditations

An overview of the professional certifications and accreditations I've earned in the field of software engineering. Each of these endorsements represents a step in my continuous pursuit of excellence, reflecting my dedication to staying current with the latest technologies and methodologies.


AWS Solutions Architect Associate


The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role and have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.


Fundamentals of Networking

Hussein Nasser(Udemy)

Understanding the first principles of networking to build low latency and high throughput backends

Nginx Fundamentals

Hussein Nasser(Udemy)

Understand and Deploy Layer 4/Layer 7 Load Balancing, WebSockets, HTTPS, HTTP/2, TLS 1.3 with NGINX (With Docker)